Menganalisa Web
Reach is defined by XXX. Reach didefinisikan oleh XXX. I calculate the percentage of reach by setting the sum of websites analyzed as 100%. Cara menghitung persentase dari jangkauan dengan menetapkan jumlah situs dianalisis sebagai 100%. With the list of the top 10,000 websites I gathered information grabbing the website homepage, and looking for available: RSS feed, stylesheet and advertising network. Dengan daftar 10.000 website atas Saya mengumpulkan informasi meraih homepage website, dan mencari tersedia: RSS feed, stylesheet dan jaringan periklanan.
Plus data is gathered about domain reach, views, adult, language, inlinks, and location (ownership). Plus data dikumpulkan tentang mencapai domain, pandangan, dewasa, bahasa, inlinks, dan lokasi (kepemilikan).
The downsides are that only toplevel domains with extension ( are uniquely counted. Para downsides adalah bahwa hanya domain level atas dengan ekstensi ( adalah unik dihitung. So to add a extra level of analysis, the websites google, yahoo, and ebay get a special treatment where they get reach and view of all their domain extension are added. Jadi untuk menambah tingkat ekstra analisis, website google, yahoo, dan ebay mendapatkan perlakuan khusus di mana mereka mendapatkan jangkauan dan pandangan semua ekstensi domain mereka ditambahkan. Microsoft gets one listing of, msn.*, and Microsoft mendapatkan satu daftar, msn .*, dan
Alexa's data is over represented by English users. Data Alexa yang lebih dari diwakili oleh pengguna bahasa Inggris. And 30% of adult site owners don't identify themselves. Dan 30% dari pemilik situs dewasa tidak mengidentifikasi diri. And I've heard stories about websites blocking access from Alexa toolbar users. Dan aku pernah mendengar cerita tentang website memblokir akses dari pengguna toolbar Alexa.
The textual analyses of the top 10,000 websites that represent XX% of total internet traffic is here . Analisis tekstual dari website atas 10.000 yang mewakili% lalu lintas internet XX total di sini .
Example stats: Most adult content distributing countries. Contoh statistik: konten dewasa Kebanyakan negara mendistribusikan. Most websites owned by country Biggest reach Most linked websites total reach of top 100, top 1,000 and top 10,000 Googles,yahoo,microsoft, ebay total domain reach (all extentions) % adsense publishers other advertising networks Domain # total reach data: 6,683,133 # total views data: 631,286 # total domains data: 9,999 (almost 10,000) #################################### # identified adult: 923 (5% total reach) #################################### # identified advertsing network: 1,038 #################################### # with country data: 6,141 #################################### # with language data: 9,095 #################################### # adult sites: Us --> 30.4% (281) # adult sites: --> 27.8% (257) # adult sites: Canada --> 6.6% (61) # adult sites: Netherlands --> 4.6% (42) # adult sites: Spain --> 3.1% (29) # adult sites: United Kingdom --> 2.5% (23) # adult sites: France --> 1.8% (17) # adult sites: Japan --> 1.5% (14) # adult sites: Brazil --> 1.2% (11) # adult sites: British Virgin Islands --> 1% (9) # adult sites: Russia --> 1% (9) # adult sites: Czech Republic --> 1% (9) # adult sites: Panama --> 1% (9) # adult sites: Cyprus --> 0.9% (8) # adult sites: Dominica --> 0.9% (8) #################################### # most domains: Us --> 43.5% (2673) # most domains: China --> 9% (554) # most domains: Canada --> 4.7% (288) # most domains: Germany --> 3.8% (232) # most domains: United Kingdom --> 3.5% (215) # most domains: France --> 2.7% (168) # most domains: Spain --> 2.3% (144) # most domains: Japan --> 2.2% (136) # most domains: Netherlands --> 1.8% (111) # most domains: Hong Kong --> 1.7% (103) # most domains: Brazil --> 1.4% (85) # most domains: Saudi Arabia --> 1.3% (77) # most domains: Czech Republic --> 1.2% (75) # most domains: Australia --> 1.2% (73) # most domains: Taiwan --> 1.1% (65) #################################### # pop language: English --> 54.8% (4988) # pop language: Chinese --> 13.9% (1264) # pop language: Spanish --> 5% (452) # pop language: Japanese --> 3.6% (330) # pop language: Arabic --> 3.3% (300) # pop language: Taiwanees --> 3% (273) # pop language: German --> 2.4% (216) # pop language: Russian --> 2.3% (212) # pop language: French --> 1.6% (146) # pop language: Portuguese --> 1.4% (129) # pop language: Turkish --> 1.2% (110) # pop language: Polish --> 0.9% (84) # pop language: Korean --> 0.7% (68) # pop language: Cantonese (Hong Kong) --> 0.7% (65) # pop language: cs-CZ --> 0.6% (59) #################################### # biggest reach: Us --> 38% 2550105 (domains: 2673) # biggest reach: China --> 9% 599752 (domains: 554) # biggest reach: Canada --> 2% 123392 (domains: 288) # biggest reach: Germany --> 2% 115299 (domains: 232) # biggest reach: United Kingdom --> 2% 103722 (domains: 215) # biggest reach: France --> 1% 82012 (domains: 168) # biggest reach: Hong Kong --> 1% 73018 (domains: 103) # biggest reach: Brazil --> 1% 71420 (domains: 85) # biggest reach: Japan --> 1% 64453 (domains: 136) # biggest reach: Spain --> 1% 51775 (domains: 144) # biggest reach: Beijing, Prc 100020 --> 1% 38750 (domains: 1) # biggest reach: Netherlands --> 1% 35151 (domains: 111) # biggest reach: Czech Republic --> 1% 34286 (domains: 75) # biggest reach: Australia --> 0% 32629 (domains: 73) # biggest reach: Taiwan --> 0% 30377 (domains: 65) #################################### # biggest reach US/state: CA --> 37% 931958 (websites: 699) # biggest reach US/state: WA --> 22% 560566 (websites: 137) # biggest reach US/state: NY --> 9% 219325 (websites: 322) # biggest reach US/state: FL --> 5% 130848 (websites: 174) # biggest reach US/state: --> 3% 70310 (websites: 82) # biggest reach US/state: MA --> 2% 60825 (websites: 110) # biggest reach US/state: TX --> 2% 57423 (websites: 96) # biggest reach US/state: GA --> 2% 44164 (websites: 51) # biggest reach US/state: VA --> 2% 41124 (websites: 58) # biggest reach US/state: IL --> 2% 41067 (websites: 101) # biggest reach US/state: UT --> 1% 30466 (websites: 43) # biggest reach US/state: NC --> 1% 29446 (websites: 36) # biggest reach US/state: NV --> 1% 27765 (websites: 52) # biggest reach US/state: NJ --> 1% 27098 (websites: 81) # biggest reach US/state: PA --> 1% 25574 (websites: 43) #################################### # most linked: --> 2015878 # most linked: --> 361472 # most linked: --> 258647 # most linked: --> 240727 # most linked: --> 232108 # most linked: --> 192276 # most linked: --> 160126 # most linked: --> 118273 # most linked: --> 111403 # most linked: --> 99139 # most linked: --> 95404 # most linked: --> 93470 # most linked: --> 91035 # most linked: --> 90120 # most linked: --> 87010 # most linked: --> 80177 # most linked: --> 79103 # most linked: --> 76138 # most linked: --> 72668 # most linked: --> 70275 # most linked: --> 69876 # most linked: --> 67746 # most linked: --> 65789 # most linked: --> 62809 # most linked: --> 61826 #################################### # total reach below 100: 37% (2439485) #################################### # total reach between 100 <> 1000: 26% (1731080) #################################### # total reach between 1000 <> 10000: 37% (2504213) #################################### # total views google (all extension): 9% (56786) (websites: 72) # total views yahoo (all extension): 12% (78681) (websites: 4) # total views msn/live/hotmail/microsoft: 5% (29419) (websites: 27) #################################### # total reach google (all extension): 8% (562990) (websites: 72) # total reach yahoo (all extension): 5% (338695) (websites: 5) # total reach msn/live/hotmail/microsoft: 4% (280393) (websites: 27) # total reach ebay (all extensions): 1% (61331) (websites: 22) #################################### # most used banner network: 48.1% (499) --> google (reach: 183195) # most used banner network: 34.4% (357) --> doubleclick (reach: 426936) # most used banner network: 3.4% (35) --> google doubleclick (reach: 29182) # most used banner network: 2.7% (28) --> google tribalfusion (reach: 10254) # most used banner network: 2.3% (24) --> adbrite (reach: 5426) # most used banner network: 2.1% (22) --> tribalfusion (reach: 14756) # most used banner network: 1.4% (15) --> yahoo (reach: 6804) # most used banner network: 1.3% (14) --> valueclick (reach: 13036) # most used banner network: 1% (10) --> rightmedia (reach: 25675) # most used banner network: 0.7% (7) --> google adbrite (reach: 2029) # most used banner network: 0.4% (4) --> revsc (reach: 4659) # most used banner network: 0.3% (3) --> google rightmedia (reach: 1021) # most used banner network: 0.3% (3) --> yahoo doubleclick (reach: 1643) # most used banner network: 0.2% (2) --> doubleclick tribalfusion (reach: 554) # most used banner network: 0.2% (2) --> rightmedia doubleclick (reach: 499) #################################### # total reach google network (excl. google.* ): 55.6% (websites: 577) (reach: 226879) # total reach doubleclick network: 38.8% (websites: 403) (reach: 461146) #################################### # stylesheet usage 58% (5757) #################################### # rss usage 10% (1023) Sebagian besar situs web yang dimiliki oleh negara mencapai Terbesar yang tersering mencapai total website atas 100, atas 1.000 dan atas 10.000 Googles, yahoo, microsoft, ebay domain total mencapai (semua perpanjangan)% penayang adsense jaringan periklanan lainnya Domain # data mencapai total: 6683133 # total Tampilan data: 631.286 # total domain data: 9999 (hampir 10.000) #################################### # diidentifikasi dewasa: 923 (total mencapai 5%) #################################### diidentifikasi # advertsing jaringan: 1.038 #################################### # dengan data negara: 6141 ##### ############################### # dengan data bahasa: 9095 ############# ####################### situs dewasa #: Kami -> 30,4% (281) situs dewasa #: -> 27,8% (257) # dewasa situs: Canada -> 6,6% (61) situs dewasa #: Belanda -> 4,6% (42) situs dewasa #: Spanyol -> 3,1% (29) situs dewasa #: United Kingdom -> 2,5% (23 ) situs dewasa #: Perancis -> 1,8% (17) # situs dewasa: Japan -> 1,5% (14) situs dewasa #: Brasil -> 1,2% (11) situs dewasa #: British Virgin Islands -> 1% (9) situs dewasa #: Rusia -> 1% (9) situs dewasa #: Republik Ceko -> 1% (9) situs dewasa #: Panama -> 1% (9) # situs dewasa: Siprus -> 0,9% (8) situs dewasa #: Dominika -> 0,9% (8) ############################# ####### # paling domain: Kami -> 43,5% (2673) # paling domain: China -> 9% (554) # paling domain: Canada -> 4,7% (288) # paling domain: Jerman -> 3,8% (232) # paling domain: United Kingdom -> 3,5% (215) # paling domain: Perancis -> 2,7% (168) # paling domain: Spanyol -> 2,3% (144) # paling domain: Jepang -> 2,2% (136) # paling domain: Belanda -> 1,8% (111) # paling domain: Hong Kong -> 1,7% (103) # paling domain: Brasil -> 1,4% ( 85) # paling domain: Saudi Arabia -> 1,3% (77) paling domain #: Republik Ceko -> 1,2% (75) # paling domain: Australia -> 1,2% (73) # paling domain: Taiwan - > 1,1% (65) #################################### bahasa pop #: Inggris -> 54,8% (4988) bahasa pop #: Cina -> 13,9% (1264) # bahasa pop: Spanyol -> 5% (452) # Bahasa pop: Jepang -> 3,6% (330) # bahasa pop: Arab - -> 3.3% (300) # pop bahasa: Taiwanees -> 3% (273) # bahasa pop: Jerman -> 2,4% (216) # bahasa pop: Rusia -> 2,3% (212) # bahasa pop: Perancis -> 1,6% (146) bahasa pop #: Portugis -> 1,4% (129) # bahasa pop: Turki -> 1,2% (110) # bahasa pop: Polandia -> 0,9% (84) # pop Bahasa: Korea -> 0,7% (68) # bahasa pop: Kanton (Hong Kong) -> 0,7% (65) # bahasa pop: cs-CZ -> 0.6% (59) ####### ############################# # terbesar mencapai: Kami -> 38% 2550105 (domain: 2673) # terbesar mencapai: Cina -> 9% 599752 (domain: 554) # terbesar mencapai: Canada -> 2% 123.392 (domain: 288) # terbesar mencapai: Jerman -> 2% 115.299 (domain: 232) # terbesar mencapai: United Kingdom - -> 2% 103.722 (domain: 215) # terbesar mencapai: Perancis -> 1% 82012 (domain: 168) # terbesar mencapai: Hong Kong -> 1% 73018 (domain: 103) # terbesar mencapai: Brasil - > 1% 71420 (domain: 85) # terbesar mencapai: Jepang -> 1% 64453 (domain: 136) # terbesar mencapai: Spanyol -> 1% 51775 (domain: 144) # terbesar mencapai: Beijing, RRC 100020 - -> 1% 38750 (domain: 1) # terbesar mencapai: Belanda -> 1% 35151 (domain: 111) # terbesar mencapai: Republik Ceko -> 1% 34286 (domain: 75) # terbesar mencapai: Australia - > 0% 32629 (domain: 73) # terbesar mencapai: Taiwan -> 0% 30377 (domain: 65) ######################### ########### # terbesar mencapai US / state: CA -> 37% 931958 (website: 699) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: WA -> 22% 560566 (website: 137) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: NY -> 9% 219325 (website: 322) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: FL -> 5% 130848 (website: 174) # terbesar mencapai US / state: -> 3% 70310 (website: 82) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: MA -> 2% 60.825 (website: 110) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: TX -> 2% 57.423 (website: 96) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: GA -> 2% 44.164 (website: 51) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: VA -> 2% 41.124 (website: 58) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: IL -> 2% 41.067 (website: 101) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: UT -> 1% 30.466 (website: 43) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: NC -> 1% 29.446 (website: 36) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: NV -> 1 % 27.765 (website: 52) # terbesar mencapai US / state: NJ -> 1% 27.098 (website: 81) # terbesar mencapai US / negara: PA -> 1% 25.574 (website: 43) ##### ############################### # paling terkait: -> 2015878 # paling terkait: - -> 361472 # paling terkait: -> 258647 # paling terkait: -> 240727 # paling terkait: -> 232108 # paling terkait: -> 192276 # paling terkait: -> 160126 # paling terkait: -> 118273 # paling terkait: -> 111403 # paling terkait: -> 99139 # paling terkait: -> 95404 # paling terkait: -> 93470 # paling terkait: -> 91035 # paling terkait: -> 90120 # paling terkait: -> 87010 # yang paling terkait: -> 80177 # paling terkait: -> 79103 # paling terkait: -> 76138 # paling terkait: -> 72668 # paling terkait: - -> 70275 # paling terkait: -> 69876 # paling terkait: -> 67746 # paling terkait: -> 65789 # paling terkait: -> 62809 # paling terkait: -> 61826 #################################### # mencapai total di bawah 100: 37% (2.439.485) #################################### # mencapai total antara 100 <> 1000: 26% (1.731.080) #################################### # mencapai total antara 1000 <> 10000: 37% (2.504.213) #################################### # google total views (ekstensi semua ): 9% (56.786) (website: 72) # total pengunjung yahoo (ekstensi semua): 12% (78.681) (website: 4) # total pengunjung msn / live / hotmail / microsoft: 5% (29.419) (website: 27) #################################### # google mencapai total (ekstensi semua): 8% ( 562.990) (website: 72) # mencapai total yahoo (ekstensi semua): 5% (338.695) (website: 5) # jumlah mencapai msn / live / hotmail / microsoft: 4% (280.393) (website: 27) # total mencapai ebay (semua ekstensi): 1% (61.331) (website: 22) ################################## # # # paling menggunakan jaringan spanduk: 48,1% (499) -> google (mencapai: 183.195) jaringan banner # yang paling sering digunakan: 34,4% (357) -> DoubleClick (mencapai: 426.936) jaringan banner # yang paling sering digunakan: 3,4% (35) -> google DoubleClick (mencapai: 29.182) # banner yang paling sering digunakan jaringan: 2,7% (28) -> google TribalFusion (mencapai: 10.254) # banner yang paling sering digunakan jaringan: 2,3% (24) -> adbrite ( mencapai: 5.426) # paling menggunakan jaringan banner: 2,1% (22) -> TribalFusion (mencapai: 14.756) # network banner yang paling sering digunakan: 1,4% (15) -> yahoo (mencapai: 6804) # network banner yang paling sering digunakan: 1,3% (14) -> ValueClick (mencapai: 13.036) jaringan banner # yang paling sering digunakan: 1% (10) -> rightmedia (mencapai: 25.675) jaringan banner # yang paling sering digunakan: 0,7% (7) -> adbrite google (mencapai: 2029) jaringan banner # yang paling sering digunakan: 0,4% (4) -> revsc (mencapai: 4659) jaringan banner # yang paling sering digunakan: 0.3% (3) -> rightmedia google (mencapai: 1021) # banner yang paling banyak digunakan jaringan: 0.3% (3) -> yahoo DoubleClick (mencapai: 1643) jaringan banner # yang paling sering digunakan: 0.2% (2) -> DoubleClick TribalFusion (mencapai: 554) banner jaringan # yang paling sering digunakan: 0.2% (2) - -> rightmedia DoubleClick (mencapai: 499) #################################### # total mencapai jaringan google (diluar google .*): 55,6% (website: 577) (mencapai: 226.879) # jaringan DoubleClick total mencapai: 38,8% (website: 403) (mencapai: 461.146) ############ ######################## # penggunaan stylesheet 58% (5757) ################## ################## # rss penggunaan 10% (1023)I don't represent any of the listed websites, nor any of the advertising networks.
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